SURVIVING THE CATACLYSM: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History
The Book that Shows the Way out of the World Depression. The indispensable handbook for the present breakdown and disintegration of the world financial system. Webster Tarpley builds on his prophetic work of 1999, which showed the world heading for a financial cataclysm and depression due to deregulated derivatives speculation, the destruction of industry, the collapse of the US standard of living, and a globalized hot money casino run by a tiny financier oligarchy. Tarpley calls for a return to the American System of political economy of Hamilton, Clay, Lincoln, FDR, and JFK. He shows the criminal futility of the Bush-Paulson-Bernanke bailout of the $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble, now continued under cynical left cover by the Obama - Geithner - Summers - Bernanke clique. Obama is exposed as the worst Wall St. puppet in recent US history, peddling an anti-New Deal for the benefit of zombie bankers, as the American people get the crumbs.
Surviving the Cataclysm advances a program for world economic recovery, full employment, scientific and technological progress, and third world development. It calls for wiping out derivatives, banning foreclosures, and nationalizing the failed Federal Reserve System. Cheap, no-interest Federal credit for production can build 1,000 hospitals, 100,000 miles of high-speed maglev rail, 100 fourth-generation nuclear reactors, rebuild the interstates and water systems - creating tens of millions of high-paid, capital-intensive modern jobs. A special chapter discusses ways individuals and families can survive the crisis. If you read one book on economics, let it be this one.
1,112 pages !
Surviving the Cataclysm
- Product Code: BSTC001
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