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426 | 2019 | Wang,J | Yue,L | Li,Z | Zhang,J | Tian,H | Willner,I | Israel | Shanghai, China | Nano Manufacturing |  | Active generation of nanoholes in DNA origami scaffolds for programmed catalysis in nanocavities = Active generation of nanoholes in DNA origami scaffolds for programmed catalysis in nanocavities. Nature communications, 10 (1), pp. 1-10. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336927899_Active_generation_of_nanoholes_in_DNA_origami_scaffolds_for_programmed_catalysis_in_nanocavities |
427 | 2017 | Wang,MX | Seo,SE | Gabrys,PA | Fleischman,D | Lee,B | Kim,Y | Mirkin,CA | USA | Nano Manufacturing |  | Epitaxy: Programmable atom equivalents versus atoms = Epitaxy: Programmable atom equivalents versus atoms. ACS nano, 11 (1), pp. 180-185. |
428 | 2014 | Yang,J | Ma,M | Li,L | Zhang,Y | Huang,W | Dong,X | Nanjing, China | Graphene | Nano Sensors |  | Graphene nanomesh: new versatile materials = Graphene nanomesh: new versatile materials. Nanoscale, 6 (22), pp. 13301-13313. |
429 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Detection of graphene oxide in aqueous suspension (Comirnaty RD1= Pfizer Vaccine) |
430 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Recombinant nanocoronavirus vaccine that takes graphene oxide as carrier |
431 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene-based materials to combat covid-19 |
432 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide in contact with blood |
433 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Interaction of graphene oxide with brain cells |
434 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene nanoparticles targeting siRNA delivery to the brain |
435 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide in aerosol droplets |
436 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide disrupts mitochondrial homeostasis |
437 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide quantum dots based memristors |
438 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide and the electromagnetic absorption of 5G |
439 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide is able to overcome the blood-brain barrier and directly affect the brain |
440 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases caused by graphene oxide |
441 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide and brain stimulation by EM electromagnetic waves capable of inferring in the human mind |
442 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide also absorbs 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G |
443 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene Oxide in Physiological Serums: Outreach for Public Health |
444 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide in agriculture, the origin of the coronavirus? |
445 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Behavior of graphene in EMF fields in-vivo and its relationship with neuromodulation |
446 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene patents for fertilizers and phytosanitary products: Part 1. Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
447 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene patents for fertilizers and phytosanitary products: Part 2 |
448 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide influences the nucleation of ice in the atmosphere |
449 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene oxide can adsorb and absorb CO2 |
450 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Graphene Oxide in Aviation Fuel |
451 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Injecting graphene oxide aerosols into the atmosphere: Solar geoengineering and the role of aerogels |
452 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Food packaging with graphene oxide. Patents and studies |
453 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Lactose Free Dairy Products and Graphene Oxide Possible Cause of Lactose Intolerance? |
454 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Clothes with graphene oxide |
455 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Lactic acid bacteria could protect against graphene oxide toxicity in the gut |
456 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Tropospheric aerosol geoengineering TAG: Radiometric evidence from chemtrails |
457 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Catalog of graphene patents for fertilizers and phytosanitary products |
458 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | The spintronics of graphene Was Pandora's box uncovered here? |
459 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Chemical clouds from the evaporation / volatilization / levitation of solutions with graphene and its ionization |
460 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Organic waste converted into graphene: high quality at a low price |
461 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in the blood of vaccinated people: micrononators |
462 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in blood of vaccinated people: crystallized graphene |
463 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Exposure of blood to graphene oxide can cause anaphylactic death in non-human primates |
464 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in blood of vaccinated people: GQD graphene quantum dots |
465 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Wireless nanocommunication networks for nanotechnology in the human body |
466 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Electromagnetic nanogrids software |
467 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | The CORONA routing system for nanogrids |
468 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: nano-octopuses and carbon-graphene nanotubes |
469 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: Mesoporous spheres |
470 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Carbon nano-octopuses or synthetic life form |
471 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in blood of vaccinated people: Non-uniform multilayer graphene patches or graphene cracks |
472 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: self-propelled colloidal nano-worms and their relationship with PVA bubbles |
473 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | The 1450 Raman spectrum in the c0r0n @ v | rus vaccine vials. A review of the scientific literature |
474 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | New Evidence for Beaded Carbon Nanotubes Based on Liquid Graphene Beads and Polycrystalline Graphite |
475 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: Cracks and wrinkles. Part 1 |
476 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Pattern identification in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: nanorouters |
477 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: plasmon nanoantenna |
478 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Evidence found confirming the theory of human body-centered nanonetworks: nano-rectennas |
479 | 2022 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Identification of patterns in c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines: Signs of DNA-Origami self-assembly. |
480 | 2021 | Corona2Inspect | Andersen,M | Spain | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Intra-body nano-network Mik Andersen Brief summary |
481 | 2017 | Sivapriya,S | Sridharan,D | Chennai, India | Intra Body Comms |  | A Comprehensive Review on Mac Protocol of Wireless Nanosensor Networks for Intrabody Application |
482 | 2020 | Veber,G | Diercks,C | Rogers,C | Zhu,C | Bokor,J | Fischer,R | Berkeley, USA | Graphene |  | Reticular Growth of Graphene Nanoribbon 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks |
483 | 2020 | WorldEconomicForum | McGill University, Canada | Internet of Bodies |  | Shaping the Future of the Internet of Bodies: New Challenges of Technology Governance |
484 | 2022 | Monteverde | Femia | Lafferreire | Argentina | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Vials under the microscope: Cansino, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Sputnik |
485 | 2015 | Piro,G | Luigi,G | Grieco,G | Italy | Intra Body Comms |  | On the design of an energy-harvesting protocol stack for Body Area Nano-NETworks |
486 | 2020 | Xu,J | Zhang,Y | Zhao,Y | Kanm,J | Shanghai, China | Intra Body Comms | Nano Sensors |  | A TDMA Protocol Based on Data Priority for In-Vivo Wireless NanoSensor Networks |
487 | 2018 | AbuAli,N | Aleyadeh,S | Djebbar,F | Alomainy,A | UAE | Saudi Arabia | London, UK | Intra Body Comms | Nano Sensors |  | Evaluation of Data Dissemination Schemes in Electromagnetic Nanosensor Networks |
488 | 2019 | Haselmayr,W | Springer,A | Fischer,G | Alexiou,C | Boche,H | Hoeherk,PA | Dressler,F | Schober,R | Germany | Intra Body Comms | Molecular Comms | Bio-Cyber Interface |  | Integration of Molecular Communications into Future Generation Wireless Networks |
489 | 2021 | Zafara,S | Nazira,M | Sabahb,A | Jurcutc,AD | Pakistan | Dublin, Ireland | Bio-Cyber Interface |  | Securing Bio-Cyber Interface for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things using Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Neural Networks based parameter profiling |
490 | 2019 | Haselmayr,W | Springer,A | Fischer,G | Alexiou,C | Boche,H | Hoeherk,PA | Dressler | Schober,FR | Germany | Intra Body Comms | Bio-Cyber Interface |  | Integration of Molecular Communications into Future Generation Wireless Networks |
491 | 2021 | MOD | MOD | Nano Technology |  | Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm |
492 | 2019 | Wang,JJ | Yue,Y | Li,Z | Zhang | Tian&ItamarWillner | Israel | Shanghai, China | Self Assembly |  | Active generation of nanoholes in DNA origami scaffolds for programmed catalysis in nanocavities |
493 | 2022 | Monteverde | Femia | Lafferreire | Argentina | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Vials under the microscope: Cansino, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Sputnik |
494 | 2020 | Akyildiz,IF | Kak,A | Nie,S | Atlanta, USA | 6G |  | 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems |
495 | 2022 | Fergusson,D | Yorkshire, UK | Jabs : Content & Function |  | Nano Tech in Vaccines - David Fergusson for Richplanet TV show |
| | | | | | |