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What is the Richplanet True Crime Database?

Richplanet TV has conducted a number of investigations into high profile criminal cases and produced documentaries which have brought new information to light. Following these productions, Richplanet has received many requests to carry out independent investigation into further specific cases. There are far too many cases to be able to investigate, so Richplanet has decided to publish a database of cases that people have raised concern over, which they believe require attention. Cases which may not have been solved correctly or remain unsolved due to corruption or other factors. Here, for the public interest, is a list of cases that may be suspicious in some way, where the outcome or the narrative may be incorrect for various reasons. Please note : We have included a lot of comments received from viewers emails in this database. Be aware we are not claiming that all of the information in the emails is true or correct. We are reproducing the information received in order to seek further discussion, further information or evidence on these cases. If you wish to send any information on any of these cases, use this form. Please include the case number in your email if there is one. Feel free also to send information on other cases that are not in this list, giving your reasons why you think further inquiry is necessary. Note also that Richplanet does not necessarily agree with the hypotheses put forward in the cases being raised. Please also note that most of these cases have not been researched or investigated by Richplanet, and most of the files are initial observations on the cases. There may be much more detailed research on some of the cases elsewhere.

" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "