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Case Ref : 20190811, Quoirin, Nora

Official Narrative

The death of Nóra Quoirin occurred on approximately the 11th August, 2019, following her unexplained disappearance from Sora House in the Dusun eco-resort near Seremban, Malaysia. The 15-year-old British national from Balham in South London had been on holiday with her family when she disappeared from their rented chalet on the night of August 3rd. This triggered an intensive search by local authorities, which ended with the discovery of her body in a surrounding area of jungle, on August 13th. Nora had been born with holoprosencephaly, a disorder that affects brain development and left her "vulnerable".

An initial post-mortem report by Malaysian authorities determined cause of death to be gastrointestinal bleeding attributed to hunger and stress, and found no evidence of criminal involvement in the death. However, after the case was closed in January 2020, Nóra's parents campaigned for its reopening, citing incomplete work and a suggestion that she could not have left the chalet by herself, leading to a belief that Nóra may have been "kidnapped". A second post-mortem conducted on behalf of the family in the continued inquest also found no evidence of a struggle. The case was ultimately ruled to have been a death by misadventure in January 2021 Nóra's parents maintain that the case should be reopened due to continued suspicions of abduction.

Email received (part of)

If you've got a moment, compare the statements encapsulated in an early report by the BBC with those now emerging at the inquest (see attached).

The crux of the issue for me is that, according to the parents, the girl would not go anywhere alone, yet according to the police she must have climbed out of a window unassisted (and wandered off?) Because there was no evidence of abduction.

She's also supposed to have died from starvation. So, was that before she took her clothes off or afterwards?

I know this occurred in Malaysia, but if the characters featured in 'Death in Paradise' can solve quite complex murders, the Malaysian police should be able to spot what are glaringly obvious anomalies. Unless, of course, the Met. have thrown a spanner in their works too!

Email received

I strongly believe the possibility that the father could be involved for many reasons, yet, no one else seems to share these thoughts. 6 days ago it was broadcast that Nora couldn't walk very well or far and that she does not go anywhere alone. Now they want us to believe a teen with learning difficulties climbed out of a window found her way to a waterfall a mile away in a jungle? Window, Water???? alarm bells. Why a family would take Nora to such a location knowing how restrictive she is, is weird in itself. Dad, when appearing alongside Mum appealing for help seemed to try 'textbook' hard to not give any body language away, he was stock still, eyes straight ahead for the main, literally sitting on his hands and didn't say a word. The excessive rubbing of his wife's arm was also very unsettling. For Nora to be found near water, reminiscent of the photo used and circulated to all media outlets - coincident?! A ruptured intestine? Has anyone questioned sexual abuse within the family? Is it just me? Id love a statement analyst reading or opinions of others.


" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "